Remote into Mobile

How do I remote into my customer's device?

Technicians can create an instant 'session' to remote into a customer's device.

To create instant session,

  1. Log in to HelpDesk mobile viewer application.
  2. In the home screen, tap 'Start Session'.
  3. In the invite screen, share the session ID with the customer by sharing the invite link via following ways:
    • Copy link: Copy the link and share using any messaging app.
    • Email: An email invite will be shared with all the details.
    • Message: A SMS with session details will be shared.
    • Other apps: Use any other messaging applications to share the session details.
  4. Once the customer accepts the invite, the remote connection will automatically be established. Alternatively, you can go to the 'Sessions' tab and tap 'Join' to join the session.
    참고: Helpdesk iOS host application supports view-only access and does not allow remote control of
    the device.

Is it possible to schedule a remote support session for customers?

Yes, technicians can schedule a remote support session.

To schedule the session,

  1. Log in to HelpDesk mobile viewer application.
  2. In the home screen, tap 'Schedule'.
  3. In the Schedule screen, enter the email address, time, and date and set a reminder.
  4. Tap 'Schedule'. The customer will receive an email invite with the details of the session.

    참고: You can go to the 'Sessions' tab, RemotePC Helpdesk tap against the session to edit the schedule.

  5. Tap 'Join' on the 'Sessions' screen against the session once the customer accepts the invite.

Where can I view the sessions and their status?

You can view the list of sessions and session details in the 'Sessions' tab. The 'Session' sub-tab will display the following details:

  • Date and time of the session.
  • The topic/query to be covered in the session.
  • Customer email address (for scheduled sessions) and session status.
  • Technician option to initiate, join, or end the session.

You can select a group to view only related session details.

You can view resolved sessions in the 'History' tab. Mark your important sessions as favorites by tapping RemotePC Helpdesk. These sessions will be displayed on the 'Favorites' tab.


How do I begin working on a session?

To begin working on a session,

  1. Log in to HelpDesk mobile viewer application.
  2. If you are in the home screen, once the customer accepts the invite, the connection will automatically get established.
    Alternatively, you can tap 'Join' on the 'Sessions' tab against the session.
  3. Once the connection is established, the remote support session will be initiated.

Can I work on a session that is not assigned to me?

Yes, you can work on a session that is not assigned to you or anyone in your group. You can select your group from the dropdown to view the list of all sessions belonging to your group in the 'Sessions' tab.

To assign a session by yourself,

  1. Log in to HelpDesk mobile viewer application.
  2. In the 'Sessions' tab, tap 'Join' against a particular session.

How do I close a customer query?

You can close the session by marking it as resolved. You can select this option once the session has been attended to.

To close the session,

  1. Log in to HelpDesk mobile viewer application.
  2. In the 'Sessions' tab, tap RemotePC Helpdesk against the session.
  3. Tap 'Resolve'. Once the session is resolved, you can find it in the 'History' tab.

Where do I view the details of a session once it is completed?

To view the session details,

  1. Log in to HelpDesk mobile viewer application.
  2. Go to the 'History' tab and tap on the sessions. The new screen will display details of the session and you will find related snapshots, logs, recordings, etc.

키보드 입력은 어떻게 전송하나요?

키보드 입력을 전송합니다,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk 을 누르면 화면 키보드가 나타납니다. 원격 컴퓨터의 실제 키보드 없이 화면 키보드를 사용하여 입력할 수 있습니다.

키보드 자동 팝업을 활성화합니다,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  4. Enable 'Keyboard auto-pop'

To use special functions like Ctrl, Shift, Alt, etc., tap RemotePC Helpdesk 를 누르면 키보드 위에 표시되며, iOS의 경우 키보드 위에 표시됩니다.

Is it possible to use arrow keys while accessing a customer's mobile device?

예, 모바일 장치를 통해 원격 컴퓨터에 액세스하는 동안 커서를 이동하는 데 화살표 키를 사용할 수 있습니다.

화살표 키를 사용하려면,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  4. Enable 'Arrow Keys'. The arrow keys will appear on the screen.

Note: To change the position of the arrow keys, go to 'Layout' and place the arrow keys anywhere on the screen.


  1. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  2. Disable 'Arrow Keys'.

Is it possible to use the scrollbar while accessing a customer's mobile device?

예, 모바일 장치를 통해 원격 컴퓨터에 액세스하는 동안 스크롤바를 사용하여 창을 위아래로 이동할 수 있습니다.

스크롤바를 사용하려면,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  4. Enable 'Scrollbar'. The scrollbar will pop up on the screen.

Note: To change the position of the scrollbar, go to 'Layout' and place the scrollbar anywhere on the screen.


  1. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  2. Disable 'Scrollbar'.

모바일에서 원격 컴퓨터에 액세스하는 동안 터치에서 마우스 상호 작용으로 전환할 수 있나요?

Touch interactions are activated by default during a remote session with four-way gear option. In Android, the four-way gear is visible automatically and in iOS, zoom in to view four-way gear.

터치 모드와 마우스 모드 사이를 전환합니다,

In Android, tap RemotePC Helpdesk to select 'Touch mode' or 'Mouse mode' interactions. In iOS, tap RemotePC Helpdesk to switch to mouse mode and tap RemotePC Helpdesk to switch to touch mode.


  • Under touch mode, you can select four-way gear or 1-finger screen panning. Tap RemotePC Helpdesk and tap on the arrow beside the toggle button and select 'Enable 1-finger screen panning'.
  • Under mouse mode, tap the arrow beside the toggle button and select 'Enable mouse buttons' to enable mouse buttons.

How do I modify application settings option during the session?

설정을 수정합니다,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  4. Tap 'Settings'.

    Here are the options in the settings screen:

    • Instructions: Tap this to get hints for touch interaction.
    • Show Session Info: Get version, connection type, and duration information.
    • Lock on Session End: Enable to lock on session end.
    • Show remote cursor: Enable to show remote cursor.
    • Quality: Set the quality of the remote display to: Auto, Better speed, or Better quality.
    • Resolution: Set the resolution of the remote computer

원격 세션 중에 채팅을 할 수 있나요?

Yes, you can chat with the customer during a remote session.


  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  4. 표시되는 메뉴에서 '채팅'을 탭합니다.
  5. 채팅 화면이 나타납니다. '메시지 입력' 필드에 메시지를 입력하고 '보내기'를 탭합니다.

Is it possible to make notes on my remote device?

예, 원격 세션 중에 원격 컴퓨터에서 스티커 메모를 추가할 수 있습니다.

스티커 메모를 추가하려면,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Connect to the customer device, and establish connection.
  3. RemotePC Helpdesk.
  4. '스티커 메모'를 탭합니다.

How do I allow remote access to my mobile device?

Once a session is created in HelpDesk, you will receive a session code or link from the technician. You may also receive an email invite or SMS with the session link.

To allow access to your computer,

  1. Open the link in email or SMS or go to and enter the session code.
  2. Tap 'Install application'. The HelpDesk application setup will download on your device.
  3. Once the setup is downloaded, tap 'Start Session' and tap 'Accept' if you agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. The technician can now begin accessing your system.

I need a walkthrough of the HelpDesk Host application interface

RemotePC HelpDesk Host is a simple mobile application that is used to manage proxy settings, send error reports, and check the version.

To send error report,

  1. RemotePC Helpdesk beside the name of the mobile device.
  2. Select 'Send Error Report'.
  3. Enter your query or describe the issue and tap 'Send'.

Can I disable remote access during a remote session?

Yes, you can disable remote access during a remote session by tapping RemotePC Helpdesk and selecting 'Yes' in the end session confirmation pop-up.

What should I do if the remote access seems suspicious or an unauthorized party is trying to access my computer?

Remote sessions via HelpDesk are secured with TLS v1.2 / AES 256-bit encryption. However, if the remote access seems suspicious, you can uninstall the setup at any point of time. Simply tap RemotePC Helpdesk and select 'Yes' to end the session. This will resolve the ticket and unistall the HelpDesk application.

What is RemotePC HelpDesk?

RemotePC HelpDesk for mobile is a remote-support app with easy-to-understand user interface and simple set up process. It helps technicians to access customers computers or mobile devices from any web browser, PC, Mac, iOS and Android device.

Can customers and Technicians use the same application to remotely connect?

There are two HelpDesk applications based on the users: HelpDesk Host and HelpDesk Mobile Viewer. The Host application is for the customers and Viewer application is for the technicians. The link to download the Host application for customers will usually be shared by the technicians from their mobile device, desktop, or from the web console.

What is remote accessibility and why am I prompted to enable this on my Android device?

Remote accessibility is the permission to remotely control the device. When remote accessibility is not enabled, technician connecting to your device will only be able to in view your device screen.

Note: Remote control and on-screen keyboard are supported for devices running on Android 8 OS or above. Chromebooks can be accessed in View-only mode.

To enable remote control of your device, allow technician to establish remote support session with your device. The very first time you use HelpDesk Host app for remote support, you will be redirected to the device Accessibility Settings screen. Alternatively, you can also navigate to 'System Settings' > 'Accessibility' from the device 'Settings' menu and follow the steps below:

  1. Search for 'HelpDesk Host' and tap on it.
  2. Tap 'HelpDesk Host' and allow the necessary permissions.

    Your device is now ready for remote control via HelpDesk.

I am unable to establish connections when the device battery is low on my Android device. How do I resolve this?

When battery optimization is enabled for a device, the remote control feature may be functionally disabled to extend the battery life.

To resolve this issue,

  1. RemotePC Helpdesk in the HelpDesk Host app.
  2. Tap 'Disable Battery Optimization' and tap 'Allow' when prompted.
  3. You can change this setting anytime from the device Settings menu.

Why should I allow 'display over other apps' for HelpDesk Host on my Android device?

When the RemotePC HelpDesk Host is allowed to 'display over other apps', you can capture screenshots on the device during a remote support session.

To allow this access,

  1. RemotePC Helpdesk in the HelpDesk Host app.
  2. Tap 'Display over other apps'. You will be redirected to Device Settings.
  3. Search for 'HelpDesk Host' and tap on it.
  4. Allow the necessary permissions when prompted. HelpDesk Host will now be displayed over other other apps when running.

You can change this setting anytime from the device Settings menu.